Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The weirdest day of my life.

So today started of as a good day.. the weather was nice and warm at 3 degrees celcius, and the wind was going the same direction as me.. so i kinda got pushed to the bus stop. Took the bus into town.. met craig and got a ride to school.

Then everyone was basically nervous cos we were getting the final grade for our accounting.. and no one seemed to have a clue abt what it wld be.. so there was nervous energy around me all day. I did gd (95%). That made my day a little cos there's a lot going on right now. That happiness was short-lived.. cos I received disturbing news regarding the Braund. Things got cleared up eventually, after losing my appetite and having a headache frm thinking. Then, more news came in, which is currently making my stomach churn and making my head spin. The drama never ends in my life. Apart from all that, I have to deal with a math test, communications test, a marketing presentation and a severe case of homesickness. I cant believe writing this, is actually helping me feel better.

It's incredible how so many things can happen all at once and I'm still relatively sane. At this very moment.. I appreciate my strength from within.. which I never really thought i had. Being shipped overseas is both one of the crappiest and one of the best things that has happened to me. The saying is true "A crisis either builds your character or tears it down." I know that it's the former for me. I know I'm still not totally self dependent, because all you darlings.. Clare, ess, Farna, Shane, Moo, Dave... I still whine and seek advice.. But I think I've learnt to be a LOT stronger for myself, because not too long ago I realised.. the only 2 people I fully trust is God and myself. That's extremely hard to accept.. because you're almost forced to instantly grow up or you'll be eaten alive.

This is hard, so hard.

Music: Tell Me- P.Diddy feat Christina Aguileira

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