Name: Chloe
Breed:Smoked Blue Cream Himalayan (Dad: Silver Chinchilla, Mom: Blue Point Himalayan)
Eyes: Now: Blue, Future: Green
Character: Sweet-tempered, MANJA, Playful
So she finally here!! Wow, it has been a gruelling 24 hours so far. She's getting comfortable around the apartment and she's been a really good kitten thus far. So far, there's been no problems execept she requires MANJA when she's awake and she won't sleep alone.But she's still a kitten (8 weeks) and she sleeps pretty much 60% of the time.. but when she's awake it's constant playing, disciplining and manja-ing. She's such a big bundle of joy although she's so tiny. She's SO PRETTY, we can't get over it yet. We've got the best cat in the world!
I'll leave u guys with a video and some photos! Enjoy!